Sunday, October 12, 2008

Football, Fathers, and Sons

On Saturday mornings fathers and sons meet in local parks and playgrounds to play football. It makes for a lot of fun watching these little guys learn to play the game; and to watch their fathers smile, laugh and occasionally, grimace, as the boys often run the wrong way with the ball, pulls their teammates flags rather than those of the opposing teams, and chase butterflies between plays.

This is my son-in-law, James, and the sketch represents my two grandsons, Aidan and Izaiah, who both play and play hard on these early, and now cold, Saturday mornings. James is the coach for both boys' teams: he is police officer, full-time security guard at a local high school, and he coaches ninth grade football at his high school. A busy guy with a full plate and someone we greatly admire.

watercolor, ink, in sketchbook


  1. This is a really nice tribute. I am loving your hatching. I must learn to do that!

  2. Wonderfully drawn, and your son in law sounds like a great guy.

  3. Great portraits! The little one with his hat is cute!

  4. What a terrific drawing! I like the expression and that little guy sure is cute!
