Saturday, March 26, 2005

"Peeps in my Moleskine"

I enjoy sketching people and I'm always trying to improve my skills. Once again, ink, watercolor in the moleskine. I'm nearing the end of the moleskine, and I can't wait to get started in a new one. It took a while, but I really LIKE the way the paper takes the watercolor.


  1. This is really good. I bought a watercolor kit. One more new thing to learn right?

  2. Hi,

    Beautiful stuff! May I ask you: when you say Moleskine, are you speaking of the authentic Moleskine (the ones that the Impressionists drew in, and Bruce Chatwin wrote in?) I had heard that they are no longer being made? I happen to have one that my friend brought me from Amsterdam. I am too timid to work in it!

    I love the way your colors glide on the surface, and would love to know what the paper is. Maybe you will inspire me to finally dust my Moleskine off!
