Sunday, October 17, 2010

"29th World-Wide SketchCrawl"

A few years ago, Enrico Casarosa, down in San Francisco, got to thinking about how he and his frends enjoyed an ocassional pub-crawl. Being an artist, this got Enrico to thinking about how this activity might be applied to his artistic interests.

From that "brain-storm," and the first few sessions he held with his friends, a web-site was created and now there are about four or five regularly scheduled events per year, that span the globe: the "World-Wide SketchCrawl." And at this site you can find the reports from all over the world on the day's activities.

Yesterday, two art-buddies of mine, Dave and Mike, and I went out "sketchcrawling." It was more fun than we expected and I think we plan to continue the activity as the "World-Wide SketchCrawls" are planned and scheduled. Our point of interest was the "Blue-Bridge" which spans the Columbia river here in eastern Washington connecting two of the Tri-Cites, Kennewick and Pasco.

You can find our work at the "SketchCrawl" site at this location.

And if you can, please join us next time....


  1. Glad you had fun crawling. Beware it is addictive, even if you crawl alone. I'm off to check the rest of your sketchcrawl now.
